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Starfinder Infinite Adventure Card Game - Core Set $14.95
Publisher: Paizo
by redeux .. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/20/2021 16:54:09

This is great and worth getting if you enjoyed the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game (PACG), or if you ever wanted to try a starfinder themed card game!

This takes some of the successes from PACG and adds to it: 1. There are new rules and new mechanics such as weapon fusions and archetypes. 2. new and unique cards are used in this game, and 3. There is a new adventure with some unique scenarios and side-quests. Also worth noting that the formating, card templates, visual aids, etc are all visually pleasing as well.

Overall I highly recommend getting this. Game on!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Starfinder Infinite Adventure Card Game - Core Set
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