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Karzoug, A Fluke of Fate $3.95
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Karzoug, A Fluke of Fate
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Publisher: Paizo
by Colores a. A. A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/17/2022 11:33:05

I've played Rise of the Runelords and never imagined something like this could happen - I gasped (screamed) as everything aligned for this Karzoug's comeback. Reading this story brought a smile to my face (and some teary eyes - my, my, yes, it happened), all while Soulnova Alizrak kept the Runelord of Greed in character during the adventure. I would love for the story to continue, and read more about Ixian and his whereabouts!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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