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All Things Balanced: Mastering the Elements


brett_neufeld_-_entrpist_Small_dtrpg.pngUnEarth a collection of options for your player characters that expand on what's become available in Rage of the Elements

Fire elemental impulses at enemies, or aid your allies with almost 90 new feats for different characters, including alchemists, bards, monks, and of course, kineticists.

Wind up your attacks as a kinetic warrior class archetype, which gives your kineticist a more weapon and armor-focused feel.

Don't Water down your ancestry options by missing out on new geniekin ancestry feats that grant you advantages when mixing elements, latent impulses, and ways to battle your own kind.

Alchemists can practice a new research field with alchemical Metals.

Wood you like more elemental impulses, infusions, and kineticist options? Of course!

Make sure to channel your elements, and take a chance on this product that's just overflowing with content.

==Content Summary==

  • Geniekin ancestry feats - Become a Composite Child, learn latent impulses stored within, or become a Kinslayer.
  • The metallurgist research field lets the alchemist focus on alchemical metals.
  • The churn bard muse inspires a bard using elemental power.
  • New feats for multiple classes, such as Whisperwood and Riddle of Steel.
  • The kinetic warrior class archetype for kineticist brings a more martial feel to the class without giving up its versatility.
  • New kineticist feats include Brilliant Infusion, Elemental Weapon Shaper, Blade Rush, and Foxfire Infusion, among others.
  • Monk martial arts feats provide elemental options for the monk that you can expand on by trading other resources.
  • Air impulses let you create Pressure Darts, Synaptic Surge, or even a Major Embolism.
  • Earth impulses include The Earth Abides, Amethyst Sphere, Pearlescent Copy, and Garnet Sight offer flavorful ways to draw on what can usually seem the most boring of elements.
  • Fire impulses let you Apply Heat to the Problem Area, make a Dramatic Entrance (also available to swashbucklers and other 'fiery' performers), or Stoke the Embers of your failing kinetic aura.
  • Metal impulses allow you to call metal equipment to you with Blatherskite Guardian, create Perpetual Ammunition, or reincarnate yourself and allies as construct-like beings with Steel in Memorium.
  • Water impulses like Waterjet allow you to cut things efficiently in battle or when crafting. for better cutting power, try adding Slurry Jet. With Tides of the Boundless Sea, you can let your kinetic aura ebb and flow with power.
  • Wood impulses let you reach opponents further away with I Am the Forest, or protect yourself and allies with We Are the Forest. You can also jump between trees quickly with Wood Passage, or create a Self-Protecting Grove of exploding trees.
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Kaswar A September 24, 2024 6:01 am UTC
Hello, I wanted to ask if there are any plans for a pathbuilder support?
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Samurai S September 24, 2024 12:23 pm UTC
I just happen to be learning the ropes on Pathbuilder creation right now so I can do exactly that. :) I'll make a big deal about it everywhere as soon as I have it down and ready.
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Kaswar A September 30, 2024 6:28 am UTC
Nice, that's Awesome :D
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Mark R July 19, 2024 9:19 am UTC
Amazing collection! Few questions, what is the thought process for the Kinetic Warrior class archetype design? Usually a trade off of full spell power would lead to a kind of mixed usage of martial and casting with some kind of damage buff. Summoner and Magus have normal martial damage, with ways to increase it through Boost Eidolon, Spellstrike, Act Together, Arcane Cascade, etc. Kinetic Knight seems to lack any real compatibility other than being able to do one or the other. In a closer vein to War Priest. The lowered Impulse proficiency, makes the seemingly Kinetic Warrior intended impulses worse on a Kinetic Warrior. Would love to hear your design idea to see if I'm just missing something.
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Samurai S July 21, 2024 12:40 am UTC
Hi Mark, thank you for reaching out! The kinetic warrior is all about number balance. They trade what would be a +2 net gain to impulse DC for +2 to attacks and greater damage (through greater weapon specialization at 15th level, which is coming in the update once Player Core 2 is released). They are ultimately just more combat focused and use their impulses to supplement that.
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Mark R July 23, 2024 4:33 am UTC
I was more referring to the design philosophy of your impulses such as Elemental Weapon shaper and Ready Blast. The former being a bit odd since it's still just an Impulse but now with very niche traits that might be nice that Weapon Infusion already provides. Not to mention the odd wording on it now having a group (crit spec and proficiency confusion). The latter Impulse being more or less Attack of Opportunity. With there even being a benefit for being a Kinetic Warrior, however the benefit is offset by the lowered impulse DC. The numbers trade off is completely understandable tho, with similar trade offs with the comparison of Wizard to Magus. I still stand that some kind of new feature for a damage addition related to impulses is missing. Magus with Spellstrike, Summoner with Act Together, Not a single class does base martial damage on a Strike outside of Fighter and Gunslinger. I'd love to see another look at the archetype since I feel like it's so close to perfect. Blade Rush is a good example of a mix of...See more
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Luis O March 28, 2024 2:20 am UTC
Man, wish this was a PF1e version of this. Sure would love to have a Metal Kineticist in my PF1e games. Sadness.
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Samurai S March 28, 2024 3:06 am UTC
We can definitely look into something like this. I'll earmark it for when I've got some other projects finished that we're currently working on.

Ty for letting us know! :D
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Eric C January 18, 2024 9:41 am UTC
Does this happen to have Foundry integration? Looking to add something for Kineticists in my campaign.
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Samurai S January 18, 2024 12:01 pm UTC
Hi Eric,

I absolutely want to add Foundry support for this and all my products, but I have not had the time or opportunity to do so just yet. I'll be sure to keep you updated when we can. In the meantime, the pdf itself is easy to navigate and use, with distinct sections and clearly marked feats/abilities. Plus, snagging the PDF will both give you a chance to familiarize yourself with the content and help me get to the point of being able to add foundry support faster.
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August 03, 2023
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