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Mythic 2e

Suggested Price $10.00

Give your players a mythic boost with Mythic 2nd edition!

This  70 page conversion contains all mythic feats and paths, Archmage, Warrior (Champion), Guardian, Heirophant, Marshal, and Trickster. This pdf includes all 6 mythic paths and almost 400 mythic feats, features, and abilities and is phone scrolling friendly.

If you enjoyed Mythic in 1e you'll love the unique abilities again in this conversion revamped for Pathfinder 2nd Edition.

Leave an honest review! This has been a passion project for some time and my players have fallen in love with mythic 2e so I'm always looking for ways to make this project better.

Have fun in mythic!

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Customer avatar
Jannik H January 17, 2025 3:25 pm UTC
Hey! Love this supplement and used quite a lot of it! Are the Mythic Spells and Mythic Monsters books you mentioned still coming? Or have plans changed especially now with the official mythic rules

(Any compatibility updates? They are quite different so I'm not sure if it would make sense)
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Graham C March 27, 2024 6:40 am UTC
I just bought this. Some constructive criticism: 1) I would appreciate if the PDF had a table of contents. 2) The feat text for "Control the Mindless" on page 12 simply reads "Please note that the feats' balance and compatibility with Pathfinder 2nd Edition may need further adjustment. Also, be aware that some feats might be too potent or ineffective in comparison to standard Pathfinder 2nd Edition feats." I doubt that was your intent. Other then that, this is really cool so far. Might use it if I ever convert Wrath of the Righteous to 2E.
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Nathan S April 07, 2024 5:30 pm UTC
Thanks! The pdf has been updated.

The new wording is:

You can gain control over mindless constructs and undead using your knowledge about them.

Roll a single applicable knowledge check against all constructs (usually arcana) or mindless undead (religion) within 30ft. If you succeed you can command them as minions for 1 round.

If you expend a focus point when you use this ability you may command a number of undead equal to your tier with each action. The effect instead lasts a number of rounds equal to your mythic tier and it affects all mindless creatures within 10 additional feet per tier.
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Thor B January 30, 2023 11:31 am UTC
Umm? What is this? The description of this product seems to cater to only people that know what "Mythic" means. Is this like for characters beyond level 20 or something? A better description may actually help with sales, especially with a lot of new players moving over to PF from other games.
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Michelle L February 04, 2023 6:14 am UTC
Mythic paths, in pathfinder 1e, are a different (additional) progression.
It has nothing to do with 'normal' character levels, though some 'normal' feats/skills/spells are prerequisites for some mythic feats/skills/spells.

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Michelle L January 25, 2023 5:56 am UTC
I'm wondering if a module for Foundry VTT on the radar at all? I'm in an online game in Foundry that we're thinking of taking mythic. I know enough to add things 'manually', but no clue how to do actual modules and such, so I figured I'd ask :)
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Michelle L February 04, 2023 6:15 am UTC
Added note.. the creator of the PF2e Workbench module recently added the ability to increase the max number of focus points, so that mechanical aspect of including the mythic 2e system in Foundry is certainly possible.
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Thibault B December 21, 2022 10:51 am UTC
Very cool supplement but, isn't Incredible Parry missing from the Guardian's list? Since Parry Spell is directly referencing it?
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Nathan S December 21, 2022 7:13 pm UTC
You are correct, incredible parry should be an option for the Guardian path. Thanks for pointing that out, I'll update it.
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Nathan S December 21, 2022 7:27 pm UTC
Mythic 2e has been updated. Guardian path now includes the Incredible Parry path ability.
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Thibault B December 21, 2022 10:01 pm UTC
No problem. I am glad of being able to help!
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Gil S November 14, 2022 10:49 am UTC
Enjoying the supplement, but wondering what to do about eidolons with the changes to second edition, now that they’re less companion and more full character.

I don’t think just applying animal companion abilities would work. Would you say to just give them the same mythic abilities as the summoner character?
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Nathan S November 21, 2022 5:49 pm UTC
Great question! This supplement needs to be updated to address Eidolons. In the mean time, Eidolons in pathfinder 2e act as an extension of the summoner in many ways.

I would say, yes, allow the eidolon to share the mythic abilities of the summoner. The two continue to share actions and charges for limited use abilities, such as mythic focus.
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Michael U October 27, 2022 2:21 pm UTC
Loving this, I was mulling over how I'd try to make 2e mythic last night and stumbled on this and you not only improved on my basic ideas, but the use of focus points in place of mythic power is genius.

I do, however, have a question; How do you intend Divine Source to work when you select a non-divine spell list for it? Would clerics who worship you not get divine spells? Could you have Arcane or Occult clerics?
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Nathan S November 07, 2022 6:46 pm UTC
I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Divine source allows you to select any spell list to *potentially* grant to your followers (such as clerics, druids, or oracles)

The class restrictions on spell lists still apply. If you chose the Primal spell list, a cleric that worshipped you would get access to the divine spell list and your domains, as with other dieties.
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Laclale F October 12, 2022 8:15 am UTC
Found a goof:
Mythic Contact still uses CR
Ability Boost is looking for wrong tier

Whenever extraplaner path to be there?
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Nathan S November 07, 2022 6:40 pm UTC
Thanks for the feedback!

Fixed Mythic Contact
Fixed Ability Boost starting at 2nd tier
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Nathan M September 14, 2022 8:51 am UTC
Anywhere to hit you up if we have questions? bit confused...some paths apparently give you Spell slots for X feats? I see nothing that says how many or how this happens??? im assuming im misreading or missing something blatantly. Examples Azata, Swarm that Walks, and Lich... especially Lich "you cast spells like a wizard"...buuut how do I know how many spell levels they have haha or Azata that says you get more spell uses for X feats that grant spell slots but I see none that do?
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Brian W April 14, 2022 1:18 pm UTC
Surprised there is no table of contents in thr preview. Do you have on I could look over before deciding whether or not to purchase?
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Nathan S April 14, 2022 6:32 pm UTC
Thanks for the input Brian W!

Updated with table of contents
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Hitoshi N March 15, 2022 12:25 am UTC
It has been a very enjoyable read so far, but I would ask for a bit of clarification on a couple of feats.

Mythic Focus states that "As a mythic character your maximum focus point pool can increase beyond 3".
- Is said increase limited to the increases for the feature itself (those listed at odd tier levels) and other mythic feats such as "Extra Focus" or does it include class feats that increase the focus pool as well but are normally limited to 3?

The ability "Spellcasting" listed under the Artifact Ability "Intelligent Abilities" specifies the Spell DC for spells cast with the Artifact.
- What would be the spell attack roll?

Divine Source is an interesting one. It would allow any character to gain access to a spell list.
- What would be the spell DC and spell attack roll for those spells? Would it be something like the "Spellcasting" ability under "Intelligent Abilities"?
- The feat...See more
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Nathan S March 16, 2022 7:39 pm UTC
Hey Hitoshi N.

Thanks for trying out Mythic 2e, you had some great questions so I added some updates.

Mythic Focus has been updated to add clarity. 3 of your focus points can come from non mythic sources. Increase beyond 3 can only come from mythic feats, abilities, and features.

Artifact Spellcasting has been updated to allow intelligent artifacts to cast spells, that just kind of makes sense, not sure what I was thinking restricting their ability to cast spells. Added calculation for the artifacts attack roll.

Divine Source has been updated to include calculations for spell DC and spell attack rolls. All spells cast with the Divine Source ability happen immediately as the 3 action activity is complete. Updated wording to emphasize that.

Updated wording "By expending a focus point as a three action activity you can cast one of the spells from your domains or a spell from your list with a level equal to or less than your tier, and heightened...See more
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Hitoshi N March 16, 2022 11:57 pm UTC
Hey Nathan S

Thanks for the update!

Keep up the great work
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Hitoshi N March 17, 2022 10:28 pm UTC
Hey, I was re-reading part of the book and found a couple of minor errors.

- The last line of Mythic Focus isn't visible. I believe it says "focus point"
- Under the Slayer's Cyclone feat, it says 0 Actions but the text specifies 3 actions. The square also isn't colored red.

There were also some other things that I wanted to ask.
Slayer's Cyclone works very similar to the Path of iron feat (Martial Artist 14). Path of Iron may be used only once per minute, but it specifies that you don't provoke reactions on movement, allows 3 strides and only 3 hits.
- Does the movement for Slayer's Cyclone normally provoke Attacks of Opportunity? Meaning, is the feat "Mobility" required to use this feat safely? Most rogues would get "Mobility" anyways, but it would cut the movement distance in half

Also, for Divine Source I have another question
- Does the 3 action activity to manifest a spell have any traits such as verbal, somatic,...See more
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Nathan S March 18, 2022 1:07 am UTC
Hey Hitoshi N.

Mythic Focus: Fixed the line, thanks for pointing that out.

Slayer's Cyclone: Fixed the action box. As for avoiding attacks of opportunity you can use Defensive Movement as a free action with a focus point to not trigger reactions in general, like attack of opportunity.

The activity doesn't have any traits and the spell activates as a free action so it doesn't provoke attack of opportunity.

Updated actions with pf2 symbols.

Thanks for the link, I have considered converting this a second time (the original was very different) but I like the way it looks for now, its extremly phone friendly and doesn't look bad on a computer either. I may change my mind later, thanks for the link.

Thanks again Hitoshi! Let me know if you have any other recommendations.
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Hitoshi N March 22, 2022 5:49 am UTC
Should Armor Master's uncapping of dex bonus also apply to Explorer's Clothing? (essentially, to being unarmored regardless of items equipped, such as Bracers of Armor or clothes in which one would affix runes)

Even though Explorer's Clothing is an armor under the category "unarmored" it still has a dex cap of +5. This is useful mainly to monks, however being the only martial class without access to an increase to AC would make them fall well behind in terms of defenses. Somewhat ironic since monks usually boast relatively high defenses, while canonically they commonly take up tiers in guardian.
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Shan J March 11, 2022 6:53 am UTC
really enjoying what I'm reading so far, but please, please, include bookmarks. some of the language is a little weird (I saw a reference to rolling with advantage ((Crafting Mastery, Tier 1), which doesn't have a mechanical application within PF2e, although one assumes a 5e fan would know what it meant, so If you're going to use "Advantage" as a mechanic? I'd add in an explanation within the text for folks who don't play 5e.

some of the mechanics feel all over the place, but this is a great effort.

with a bit of mechanical tuning? This would be the Go-To Mythic guide. At least from what I've read so far. Keep it up.
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Nathan S March 14, 2022 3:37 pm UTC
Thanks for the review Shan J!

Thank you for pointing out the "Advantage" wording, definitely a typo and it has been updated.

If you notice any more typos definitely let me know, thanks for the love, I'm always open to fine tuning requests and update this document weekly. You're awesome, keep pathfinding!
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Tilo B January 19, 2022 6:51 am UTC
I like the thoroughness in implementing the mechanics of mythic. The additional feats are very cool, and have a great mythic play feel.

The power boost is ridiculous, however. Adding +5 to your proficiency means you're essentially 3 levels ahead. And that's just the first ability. I don't think massiv boosts in numbers are a great fit for Pathfinder second edition.

Also, while the layout is pretty, it really confuses me. How do I know what a mythic feat is, and what's a feature? Surge in the table probably means Mythic Surge? Why is the Champion called like the class, that seems unfortunate ("I'm a champion champion!"). I think the layout needs another editing pass, as well as some clarity in displaying information. More subgroupings for the destinies, for one.
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Nathan S January 19, 2022 6:04 pm UTC
Hey thanks for checking out my conversion Alarion I!

These are some great questions so I'll try to address them individually.

Power Boost
I was on the fence for a long time about the kind of power boost I wanted to add to Mythic 2e. Ultimately a character that has gained 20lvls and 10 mythic tiers will be CR25 equivalent, in other words CR equal to the strongest enemy currently available to fight in pathfinder 2e (Treerazer). This reminds me that I should add a section to the bottom about gaining mythic tiers, (I'll add that to the update list). Ultimately a character with a few mythic tiers should stand a better chance at hitting the AC and overcoming the saves of higher level enemies. To keep a good balance I would consider the Mythic players characters to be functionally 1 level higher per 2 mythic tiers when designing encounters. If you plan on taking a party all the way to Mythic 10 lvl 20 I would recommend designing some truly mythic encounters for such heroes, on par with...See more
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Nathan S January 19, 2022 7:09 pm UTC
Mythic 2e has been updated

Removed proficiency increase per tier

Fixed Mythic General Feat section to include Feat trait as a descriptor for clarity

Changed Champion mythic path to Warrior

Thanks for your input Alarion I. Let me know if you have any other suggestions!

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Avery O February 06, 2022 3:58 pm UTC
You would be much better off using a similar format to the official books, as it's still hard to tell what you're looking at. Adding hearings would help, and not making everything look the same would also help, regardless of what traits you give, since there is no such thing as a Feat or Feature trait/tag in the official material
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Nathan S February 09, 2022 8:30 pm UTC
Hey Avery O

Thanks for the input! I have reformatted the entire document for clarity. The traits were confusing so I fixed them. Let me know what you think and thanks for your support!
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Hitoshi N March 17, 2022 10:34 pm UTC
Hey Nathan S,

If you wanted to undergo the lengthy process of reformatting your book, I would recommend this online tool to nail the look of the Pathfinder 2e books: Scribe Tool - PF2 Tools
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