Title |
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Date Added: 2024-09-14 DISPLAY this card
—Reduce acid, fire, electricity, and com by 3;
—RECHARGE: reduce by 6 instead
—BANISH: reduce to 0; DISCARD spell to recharge.
DISCARD this card or a spell…
—add 1d8 slashing, mega to local combat chk or
Obstacled/Skirmish trait.
—remove a status effect.
—explore your location, once on your turn.
Add #, slashing, mega to combat chk A community... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-13 REVEAL: STR/Melee +1d8, slashing;
DISCARD: add 1d6, mega.
RECHARGE: add 1d6+# to checks to acquire Weapons, Armor, or Items.
RECHARGE: Give a card to another character.
DISCARD: Get a card from another character. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-13 [Club] REVEAL: STR/Melee +1d8, bludgeoning.
REVEAL: add 2 dice to any local INT or Knowledge non-combat check, THEN succeed a Knowledge 8 check or discard a card from your hand.
A Mechanoid robot head. It took some reprogramming but now it can tell you anything from its vast knowledge base. “Die biped! Your race will be cleansed from the universe. Also the answer is Turdus maximus, which is a... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-13 Difficulty to defeat... #4; +5 | #5; +10 | #6; +15
FAIL 1st CHECK, succeed at a WIS 8 check or discard the top card of your deck.
IF DEFEATED, you’re dealt 1 damage; characters who fail are dealt 1d6 damage.
A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-13 REVEAL: add 1d6 to checks against the Undead trait.
RECHARGE: add 1d8 to Survival, Perception, or Stealth checks.
BURY: reduce all combat damage to 0.
DISCARD: explore your location, gain 1d6 against the Undead trait. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-13 Difficulty to defeat... #4; +2 | #5; +4 | #6; +6
IF YOUR check to defeat doesn't have the Magic trait, this card is undefeated.
"Between life and death, live the Cold Blooded." A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-13 Increase CtA +1d4 w/o Shemarrian Trait
REVEAL*: reduce acid, combat, fire by 2.
RECHARGE: reduce acid, fire by 4, or
combat damage by 6.
BANISH (BURY*): reduce all damage to 0
—Recharge this card when you RESET* your hand.—
*If PROFICIENT A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-13 DISCARD (RECHARGE*): all damage -6 or combat -9.
BANISH (BURY*): Reduce all to 0.
—use d12 for STR or CON, w/ Robot, Mega trait.
—use Pilot for Acrobatics or against Obstacle.
—Discard this card to add 1 die to that check.
REVEAL: Put WS: SAMSON MK III card in your hand. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-13 —Draw a card w/ MINI-MISSILE trait, then use it. Then DISCARD (RECHARGE*) this card.
—(Tri-Laser) DEX or Pilot +1d8+1, mega.
RECHARGE*: add 1 die.
DISCARD: add 1d10.
—(VB-Saber) DEX or Pilot +1d8, mega
DISCARD (RECHARGE*): add 1d10. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-13 —Draw a card with the MINI-MISSILE trait and immediately use it. Then DISCARD (RECHARGE*) this card.
—(Ion) Ranged,Ion, Bludgeon,Tech,Mega
DEX or Pilot +1d10; DISCARD (RECHARGE*): add 1d4. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-13 DISCARD (RECHARGE*): all damage -3 or combat -7.
BANISH (BURY*): Reduce all to 0.
—use d8+1 for STR or CON, w/ Robot, Mega trait.
—use Pilot for Acrobatics or against Obstacle.
—Discard this card to add 1 die to that check.
DISCARD, to move at the end of your turn.
REVEAL: Put WS: APA-15 SEMPER FI card in ur hand. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-13 Combat Check
RECHARGE: use DEX/Pilot + 2d8
BURY(DISCARD*): add 2d12
(SNIPER) DISCARD*: add 1d6 to a combat check by a character at another location.
PROFICIENCY or Difficulty +4.
Robot or Supernatural trait or difficulty +3.
Robot or Supernatural trait* A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-13 —(Baby Boom G) Ranged,RG,Piercing,Tech,Mega
RECHARGE: DEX/Pilot+2d8; BURY(DISCARD*): add 1d12
(SNIPER) DISCARD: add 1d6 to a combat check by a character at another location.
—(Plasma) RECHARGE (REVEAL*): DEX/Pilot +1d10+1, fire, mega trait; BURY (DISCARD*): add 1d12.
Add 1d4 to the next check against this monster.
—(VB-Saber) DEX/Pilot +1d8, mega; DISCARD (RECHARGE*): add +1d8.
... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-13 DISCARD (RECHARGE*): all damage -5 or combat -9.
BANISH (BURY*): Reduce all to 0.
—use d10+2 for STR or CON, w/ Robot, Mega trait.
—use Pilot for Acrobatics or against Obstacle.
—Discard this card to add 2 dice to that check.
REVEAL: Put WS: Shadow Boy card in your hand. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-13 REVEAL: Immunity to Laser trait w/o VLF
DISCARD (RECHARGE*): all damage -7 or combat -13.
BANISH (BURY*): Reduce all to 0.
—use d10+2 for STR or CON, w/ Robot, Mega trait.
—use Pilot for Acrobatics or against Obstacle.
—Discard this card to add 1 die to that check.
—Any effect that would MOVE you, IGNORE it.
REVEAL: Put WS: GLITTER BOY card in your hand. A... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-13 —(BOOM GUN) Ranged, RG, Piercing, Tech, Mega
DEX/Pilot + 2d12; Then all local characters
recharge 1 card, or 0 if have the EBA trait.
BURY(DISCARD*): add 2d12
—(VB-Saber) DEX or Pilot +1d8, mega
DISCARD (RECHARGE*): add 1d10.
—(Laser) DEX or Pilot +1d8+2, mega.
DISCARD (RECHARGE*): add 1d10. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-13 —Draw a card w/ MINI-MISSILE trait, then use it.
Then DISCARD (RECHARGE*) this card.
—(Laser) DEX or Pilot +1d10+2, mega.
RECHARGE: add 1d10
DISCARD (RECHARGE*): add another 1d10.
--(VB Halberd) STR (1D10+1)/Melee + 1d12, mega;
DISCARD: add 1d12
If u would fail, DISCARD the card to reroll the
dice, adding another 1d6; take the new result.
A community created... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-13 DISCARD (RECHARGE*): all damage -5 or combat -9.
BANISH (BURY*): Reduce all to 0.
—use d12 for STR or CON, w/ Robot, Mega trait.
—use Pilot for Acrobatics or against Obstacle.
—Discard this card to add 1 die to that check.
REVEAL: Put WS: Terror Trooper card in your hand. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-13 On your check to defeat a monster, you may freely recharge an Ally to add 1d8 ([c]1d10).
At the end of your turn, you may recharge ([c]or shuffle into your deck) an Ally from your hand or discards.
At the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your deck; if it is an Item ([c]or Ally), you may draw it. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-13 Increase CtA +1d4 w/o Shemarrian Trait
REVEAL*: add 1d6 to stealth or survival.
RECHARGE: reduce acid, fire by 2, or
combat damage by 3.
BANISH (BURY*): reduce all damage to 0
—Recharge this card when you RESET* ur hand.—
*If PROFICIENT A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-13 Increase CtA +1d4 w/o New Navy Trait
RECHARGE: reduce acid, cold, fire, electricity by 3
or combat by 5.
RECHARGE: +1d4 to survival and combat checks at
Loc with aquatic trait.
BANISH (BURY*): reduce all damage to 0
—Recharge this card when you RESET* ur hand.—
*If PROFICIENT A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-13 —Increase CtA +1d4 w/o New Navy Trait
RECHARGE: reduce acid, cold, fire, electricity by 2
or combat by 3.
RECHARGE: +1d4 to survival and combat checks at
Loc with aquatic trait.
BANISH (BURY*): reduce all damage to 0
—Recharge this card when you RESET* ur hand.—
*If PROFICIENT A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-12 DISPLAY: next to a character. Checks with the laser and light trait gain +1d12.
At the start of your turn, banish this card. Succeed at a Divine 14 skill check to recharge instead.
A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-12 REVEAL: reduce acid, combat, or fire by 1
REVEAL: Combat Chk, STR/Melee +1d6+2, mega
RECHARGE: add 2d6, fire/plasma.
DISCARD: On your combat check, if you played another weapon, you may add 1d4+1, fire. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-12 —REVEAL: add +2 to STR, mega—
REVEAL: add +1d4 to STR or CON, mega, robot.
RECHARGE: reduce acid, cold, fire, electricity by 4 or combat damage by 6.
BANISH (BURY*): reduce all damage to 0
—Recharge this card when you RESET* your hand.—
*If PROFICIENT A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-12 REVEAL: add 1 to your stealth.
DISCARD: add 2 to a check before or after you act.
REVEAL: reduce damage by 2 if it is dealt before or after you act.
RECHARGE: reduce acid, cold, fire, electricity by 2 or combat by 3.
BANISH (BURY*) reduce all damage to 0.
—Recharge this card when you RESET* your hand.—
*If PROFICIENT A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-12 REVEAL: add 2 to your perception.
RECHARGE: add 2 to your ranged.
RECHARGE: reduce Combat by 4.
BANISH (BURY*) reduce all damage to 0.
—Recharge this card when you RESET* your hand.—
*If PROFICIENT A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-12 REVEAL: DEX or Ranged skill + 1d8+1, mega;
DISCARD (RECHARGE*) to add 1 die;
BURY (DISCARD*): add 1d8, mega.
—If you would fail your check, DISCARD this card to Evade your encounter.
PROFICIENCY or Difficulty +4. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-12 REVEAL: DEX or Ranged skill + 1d12+1 and mega trait;
DISCARD (RECHARGE*) to add 1 die;
BURY (DISCARD*) add 1d10, mega trait.
—If you would fail your check, DISCARD this card to Evade your encounter.
PROFICIENCY or Difficulty +4. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-12 Combat Check,
REVEAL: use DEX/Ranged or Arcane/Divine skill + 2d8, mega;
FAIL the check, discard to reroll, keep new roll.
BURY (DISCARD*): add another 1d8+2.
Discard a spell to add 1d8 + (# of card) to chk.
BANISH (BURY*): examine the next location card. If a monster, encounter and add 1d12 to any combat check. If not a monster, then DISCARD instead.
*PROFICIENCY | PROFICIENCY or Difficulty... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-12 Combat Check,
REVEAL: use DEX/Ranged or Arcane/Divine skill + 2d8;
RECHARGE: add mega trait;
BURY (DISCARD*): add another 1d8+2.
Discard a spell to add 1d8 + (# of card) to the combat check.
—Add 1d6 to the next check vs this monster.—
PROFICIENCY or Difficulty +4. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-12 Combat Check,
REVEAL: use DEX/Ranged or Arcane/Divine skill + 1d10+2;
RECHARGE: add mega trait;
BURY (DISCARD*): add another 1d10+2.
Discard a spell to add 1d8 + (# of card) to the combat check.
PROFICIENCY or Difficulty +4. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-12 Combat Check,
REVEAL: use DEX/Ranged or Arcane/Divine skill + 1d10+1;
RECHARGE: add one die, mega trait;
BURY (DISCARD*): add another 1d10+1.
Discard a spell to add 1d8 + (# of card) to the combat check.
PROFICIENCY or Difficulty +4. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-12 BURY: add 1d12 to a STR, DEX, or CON skill check.
Or Bury a card and Recharge this card instead.
DISCARD: explore your location. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-12 Difficulty to defeat...
#3; +1 | #4; +2 | #5; +3 | #6; +4
If undefeated, recharge your hand; return this card to the top of the location deck, if it came from one. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-12 Difficulty to defeat… #4; +2 | #5; +4 | #6; +6
If defeated, banish this card.
If undefeated, build the location Crime Wave.
“Material things are the path to unhappiness. Allow us to relieve you of them.” A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-12 Bury any allies played on the check to defeat this card.
If defeated, you may attempt to close this location.
“Chaos, is our business.” A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-12 RECHARGE: add 1d8 against a barrier or a check with the cold trait.
DISCARD: If the Check to Defeat has a “Then”, add 1d10, cold, and mega to one of those checks.
DISCARD: explore your location. Add 1d4, cold, mega to a check to defeat. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-11 IMMUNITY: to Cold. If your CtD has the fire trait, reduce it by 1d4.
BEFORE U ACT, all local characters are dealt 2 cold damage.
IF UNDEFEATED: all damage is cold and dealt to all local characters. Then DISPLAY this card. All Checks to Defeat are increased by 1d4+1. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-10 Combat Check
BANISH: use DEX or Ranged skill + 4d6.
—If the bane is a monster, you may use the result for any additional combat checks to defeat.
A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-10
BANISH: banish a non-henchmen, non-villain card you encounter. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-10 DISCARD: allow a character at your location to succeed at a Diplomacy check.
—Succeed INT/Craft 10 to recharge instead.
BURY: recharge 1d4-1 cards from a local characters discard pile. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-10 After your 1st exploration, display this card.
When you explore, but before flipping the card, choose to succeed at the Check to Aquire if it has one. Then Discard this card, otherwise at the end of your turn, discard this card.
If this card has the Pharma trait, when you discard (recharge, bury, or banish) it, succeed INT/CON 6 or gain the status B-Side. A community created card built with... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-10 BANISH: recharge weapons and armors from your discard pile.
BANISH: succeed at a check to acquire a weapon or armor. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-10 BANISH: recharge all spells and items with the magic trait from your discard pile.
BANISH: succeed at your check to acquire with the magic trait. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-10 BANISH: recharge all Blessing and cards with the Divine or Healing trait from your discard pile.
BANISH: Draw a blessing from the vault. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-10 DISPLAY: If this card has the Corrupted trait, discard the top card of your deck.
While displayed…
—Ignore the corrupted trait.
—Add 1d6 to CHA/Diplomacy checks or 2d6 to any check if it has the corrupted trait.
At the start of your turn, Discard this card. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-10 DISCARD*: evade your encounter.
DISCARD*: add 1d10 to a check against a Barrier or Close a location.
*Succeed DEX/Acrobatics 12 to recharge instead. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-09 REVEAL: recharge a card with the magic trait to gain EBA and AQUATIC till the start of your next turn.
REVEAL: reduce Acid, Cold, Fire, Electricity by 2 or Combat by 3. Discard a card with the magic trait to reduce by 1 more.
BANISH (BURY*): reduce all damage to 0.
—Recharge this card when you RESET* your hand.—
*If PROFICIENT A community created card built with the DriveThruCards... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Date Added: 2024-09-09 REVEAL: reduce Acid, Cold, Fire, Electricity by 2 or Combat by 3.
RECHARGE: reduce by 4 or 5.
BANISH (BURY*): reduce all damage to 0.
—Recharge this card when you RESET* your hand.—
*If PROFICIENT A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |