I hope you're as excited for Howl of the Wild as I am! This art is part of a set of breed- and species-specific series I'm releasing for some of the book's ancestries. This series on awakened animals is all puns on class names, with each release containing five characters punning two or three classes. This pack is ALCHEMISTS (eelchemist, owlchemist, elkhimist) and INVENTORS (inwrentor, inventortoise).... [click here for more]
BattleDrones BattleRoyale is an exciting PvP combat-drone-fighting module designed to expand your tables entertainment options.
Have you ever wanted to strap a Combat Rifle to a pair of legs and throw it into a hellish arena to fight against other battle drones?
Have you ever wanted to weld tank treads with jump jets inside them to a chassis that can cast Magic Missle?... [click here for more]
Happy Shirranukkah! This adventure toolkit contains several new winter-themed additions to the Starfinder roleplaying game.
Shirranukkah celebrates the story of the Rewelcoming, when the Shirren returned to the worship of their god Hylax after breaking from their hive mind known as The Swarm. Inside this toolkit you'll find a full description of Shirranukkah, how it's celebrated,... [click here for more]