I hope you're as excited for Howl of the Wild as I am! This art is part of a set of breed- and species-specific series I'm releasing for some of the book's ancestries. This series on awakened animals is all puns on class names, with each release containing five characters punning two or three classes. This pack is ALCHEMISTS (eelchemist, owlchemist, elkhimist) and INVENTORS (inwrentor, inventortoise).... [click here for more]
Story Scrolls is a series of Pathfinder-inspired short stories. If you like this work, and are active on social media, please give me a shout-out at @MRivettAuthor on Twitter. Each story will include a 40x40 battlemap related to the narrative.A Guided Joke is about a tavern keeper who gets fed up with being manipulated by the numerous travelers who visit his... [click here for more]